The grenadiers

Grenadiers from Regiment of Mounted Grenadiers Liberator 
General San Martin


LiSempai said...

Keepin the story short: When I was a crybaby my mom (holding me) and dad where taking a walk in Plaza de Mayo. The Pink House (not fag, but our goverment house, like the White House in US... -take the 'not' out of 'fag' :p) was open to public.
My mom wanted a picture with a soldier (we call'em 'granaderos') so she took a step closer to the door guardian. They're not supposed to laugh or move or fart or anything, so the picture was gonna suck. Then my dad holding the camera told a joke to the all serious guy and he laughed like he was on the verge of dying xD
Funny picture... :p

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